Find your favorite RLT preserve
Chart your course to some of Richmond's best places
The preserves mapped here are owned and managed by the Richmond Land Trust and open to the public. (Though not mapped here, we have also conserved the properties of many other owners who want long-term protection for their land's important and sensitive resources. Learn more about how we conserve land here.)
While you're visiting...
Many RLT preserves protect important habitats for wildlife and plants alike. We need every visitor's help to safeguard the beauty and biodiversity that make these places so special. Please:
Stay safe
Respect the privacy of preserve neighbors and your fellow visitors
Protect wildlife. Keep to established trails. Animals can be driven off habitats they need by humans coming within 400 feet of it. (Learn more.)
Build no fires and remove any trash
Keep pets on leashes, and remove any waste
Follow any specific guidelines shown on preserve signs
Accept our sincere thanks for helping to protect some of Richmond's best places. We hope to see you back at an RLT preserve soon!