
RLT saved the West Monitor Barn from collapse. Today it's headquarters for the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps. and a wonderful place it is.

The lush -- and rare -- Silver Maple-Ostrich Fern floodplain forest at RLT's Beeken Rivershore Preserve.( Photo: Lou Borie)

Looking for migrating warblers and other birds on a springtime walk organized by RLT.

RLT helped conserve the acreage used for growing blueberries at Owls Head Farm, on Hillview Rd. (Photo: Lou Borie)

Students from Richmond Elementary School check out fish and other aquatic life at our Willis Hill Preserve, just a short walk from their classrooms.( Photo: Lou Borie)

The community turns out to celebrate the launch of the Save Gillett Pond campaign. (Photo: Lou Borie)

Sledding at RLT's Willis Hill Preserve.

We're helping the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service monitor salmon migrations in the Winooski and Huntington Rivers.

RLT created a small, temporary parking area in its Bombardier Meadow Preserve when the pandemic drove many more people to outdoor recreation. (Photo: Lou Borie)

And this also shows the importance of RLT's work to conserve Richmond's natural, historic and agricultural treasures.

The woodlands of the Rochford Delbianco Preserve protect the south bank of the Winooski River, off Johnny Brook Rd. (Photo: Lou Borie)

Pick-up hockey games are a common sight during the winter at our Gillett Pond Preserve. (Photo: Lou Borie)

Visitors looking for lemonade and a chance to win a kayak crowd RLT's traditional 4th of July booth at Volunteers Green.

A quiet paddle at Gillett Pond. (Photo: Lou Borie)